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Re: [sup-talk] Questions about offlineimap+msmtp+maildir+gmail syncing

I'm using Redwood::PollManager.each_message_from source like sup-sync-back uses.  Looking at the definition of that function, it will load all messages from the source without discrimination.  I've put my repo up on github (http://github.com/shenson/sup) with my code in the release branch.  It includes my code to change the source id to the maildir id.  The code I'm actually running is in bin/sup-clean.

As far as I can tell, I'm using the same basic structure as sup-sync-back, so I should be getting back all the messages.  If anyone wants to clue me in on what I'm doing wrong, I'd be very grateful.  Thanks.

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 3:42 PM, William Morgan <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net> wrote:
Reformatted excerpts from Scott Henson's message of 2010-01-17:
> I'm down to the last few issues with my new maildir sync back code, I
> just can't get sup to show me the deleted and spam messages.

If you're going through index.each_message or each_id, you need to
specify :load_spam => true and load_deleted => true.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
sup-talk mailing list

Scott Henson
sup-talk mailing list