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Re: [sup-talk] Questions about offlineimap+msmtp+maildir+gmail syncing

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 9:54 AM, William Morgan <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net> wrote:
Reformatted excerpts from Tero Tilus's message of 2010-01-16:
> Why would you need to do that?  Afaik storing the maildir id to index
> should be enough so that you can map sup index back to maildir.  Am I
> overlooking somethin here?

Yeah, there's a Maildir#filename_for_id that you should be able to use.

Using the maildir id as the sup id allows sup to play a little fast and loose with the access of mail in the maildir.  I've got a 15% speed increase (measured by sup-sync --all).  This also allows sup to play nice with other mail clients accessing the maildir. 

I'm down to the last few issues with my new maildir sync back code, I just can't get sup to show me the deleted and spam messages.  I'm working on the next branch, and it seems like it might be having problems with ruby 1.8 that comes with F12 and I seem to be unable to get ruby 1.9 installed.  Once I get things working I'll publish the branch to github.

Scott Henson
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