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Re: [sup-talk] Questions about offlineimap+msmtp+maildir+gmail syncing

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Anirudh Sanjeev <anirudh@anirudhsanjeev.org> wrote:

Excerpts from Eric Sherman's message of Wed Jan 06 18:26:20 +0530 2010:
> I would add the ninjagod account to your sup config.yaml and take a look at
> the wiki [MultipleAccountsAndReply][1] and the reply-from/before-edit
> [Hooks][2].
That helped, and my outgoing email seems to be sorted out. Thank you.

> The fact that you're not seeing changes is not your fault--sup just doesn't
> do it.
Oh, that's too bad. Are there any plans to support syncing with IMAP or
Maildir anytime soon? Either way, looks like I'll have to quit the Web
interface and Evolution cold turkey and stick with sup!

Since sup supports sync with mbox, is there any utility that takes IMAP
and packs it into mbox format, or maybe converts Maildir messages into

I'm currently working on getting sup to support syncing back to maildirs.  I'm using a setup a lot like yours, with offlineimap syncing with an imap server.

I've currently got a local branch that makes sup use maildir ids as the internal sup id.  I've almost got sup to the point that it will sync back changes to a maildir.  I have a few more bugs to work out, but I intend to post a patch relatively soon.

Scott Henson
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