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Re: [sup-talk] Simple E-Mail Delaying
Excerpts from William Baxter's message of Sun Oct 04 17:51:51 +0200 2009:
> Excerpts from Nicolas Pouillard's message of Sun Oct 04 08:36:02 -0400 2009:
> > I've written a blog post about improving my email experience. And since it
> > interacts nicely with sup it may be of some interest for you.
> I also employ a tickler system in sup, one that relies exclusively on labels.
> To mark a thread for review on day DD of the month, label it with #DD.
> Obviously this extends forward only one month. I have not found that
> problematic. I also use #E to indicate the need to reply, #W as waiting for
> something, #A for action required, etc.
> The choice of # came from two considerations. First, it sorts before letters.
> Second, it does not require quoting in searches. The date labels could do
> without the prefix, but I began with the #<letter> labels, and like the way
> that the common prefix sets these elements apart in label-list-mode.
Thanks for the tip!
I already use a "pending" label for a mix of "waiting",
"need to reply", and "action required". I'm thinking about switching to
shorter and more distinct naming like yours.
However I like the system proposed because it is event based and can be more
fine grained than "a day of the month".
Best regards,
Nicolas Pouillard
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