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Re: [sup-talk] i18n?
Excerpts from Tero Tilus's message of lun nov 02 14:58:09 +0100 2009:
> William Morgan, 2009-11-02 14:12:
> > Tero's comment wasn't about gettext, as far as I understand it.
> You had me right. I was talking about the approach to i18n in general.
Sorry, I think the problem here is my English. I understood Tero's
comment wasn't about gettext, I was the one suggesting: "everybody's
using gettext, why don't we?"
> > There are Ruby gettext bindings but they look like a pain in the ass
> > to use, and it's pretty trivial to replace it a language like Ruby.
> Also they are pretty trivial to wrap behind nice interface in a
> language like Ruby. "Been there, done that!".t :)
And you both answered that question... I'm just a hobbyist ruby
programmer, never used gettext. I transleted a program that use it (my
previous mail client :D) so I can read a .po file (I don't understand
why this is a problem, though). I thought it was an easy, ready-made
thing to implement, if I'm wrong, no problem, there is always a better
> > I believe he was thinking about something like git grep. You see a
> > weird message displayed by Sup, you want to find the code that's
> > generating it, you can git grep the source for the message directly.
> That was exactly what I was thinking.
> Having weird keys in code imo also slows down development. If I want
> to (write code to) display a simple message to user, with "original
> language as key" approac i just write "my message".t (or whatever the
> l10n interface is) instead of modifying some yaml file somewhere and
> then copy-pasting the key from there to code. I just plain code and
> let somebody else figure out the translation later or.
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. The idea is to (1) have a branch
for every language? Translators directly write in the code? Or (2) "original
language as key" means a way to substitute "on the fly" the original
string with another one in the current locale? In this way you always need a
yaml file, or a ruby hash, or a .po file (you can implement it in another
way, but is the gettext approach...).
So, I played a little with irb... do you mean something like:
class String
def t
l10n_hash[self] || self
Sounds good to me...
"bye bye".t
=> "ciao ciao"
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