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Re: [sup-talk] mailinglists in CC
Excerpts from Israel Herraiz's message of 2010-08-19 15:41:33 +0200:
> Excerpts from Philipp Überbacher's message of Thu Aug 19 08:58:38 -0400 2010:
> > That makes sense. Could it check for the presence of list headers and
> > discard the one without?
> Are you using GMail? If you are, it is not possible.
> GMail also discards duplicated messages, so if you get first the
> message delivered directly to you, you will not see the list message
> ever.
> Cheers,
> Israel
Nope, I'm not using gmail at all, but thanks. I checked my mail
providers options and found nothing with regards to deleting duplicates.
Checking all the mailinglists settings will take a while though.
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