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Re: [sup-talk] message missing in source, sup v0.12.1, sup-sync no longer has --changed?

Excerpts from John Wyzer's message of Wed Feb 09 06:57:19 +0100 2011:

> I have my sent messages in a maildir and deleted one message.
> sup-sync used to have --changed to fix this in the index, but no longer 
> has (the FAQ still says so).
> Sup only says that there was an error loading the message, but does not 
> say how to fix the index.

Check out the recent thread "Delete email from Sup index" [1] on
sup-talk and my patch [2] on sup-devel.


[1] http://rubyforge.org/pipermail/sup-talk/2011-February/thread.html#4511
[2] http://rubyforge.org/pipermail/sup-devel/2011-February/thread.html#982

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