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Re: [sup-talk] How to treat List-Id headers (Was: best method for before-add-message.rb)
Excerpts from Tero Tilus's message of Sun Feb 13 10:51:02 +0100 2011:
> > what would be the best way to match - for instance - the
> > List-Id-Header in case it's present?
> List-Id is a whole separate kind of beast. My stragy dealing with it
> looks like this. Comments in finnish. Go google translate. ;)
Ah, well, the problem I have is something like this
List-Id: "very long descriptive text on what the list is about"
Because the actual List-Id is so long, it's sometimes wrapped into the next
line per convention (i.e. when the descriptive text is already very long and
the line needs to be wrapped because the actual List-Id would exceed the
character limit per line, I think it's around 80 characters). Thus, my regexes
don't match in all cases. I want to match the list by the part between the <>,
not the descriptive text, which is a bit problematic because of the
line-wrapping. However, if I could get the full List-Id line from the parsed
headers hashtable, this would eliminate my parsing problems.
> > Can I pull arbitrary, parsed headers directly out of the message
> > object, or do I have to do my own parsing?
> Uh, oh. Looks like no, but it is pretty close, berause
> Message#parse_header already builds parsed hash of arbitrary headers
> internally.
Well, making this publicly accessible to the before-add-message hook would
simplify a lot of the stuff I do with my email in order to place the right
labels. So maybe, this is a feature request to the sup developers, but maybe I
also got everything wrong. ;)
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