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Re: [sup-talk] Adding string to 'missing attachment detection'
Excerpts from Ben Walton's message of 2011-10-06 14:55:07 +0200:
> Excerpts from Philipp Überbacher's message of Thu Oct 06 03:04:27 -0400 2011:
> > but sup does this already, it should be possible to add this single Word
> > in the appropriate place and be done with this. After all, ruby is
> > an
> Sure, lib/sup/modes/edit-message-mode.rb on line 473 (my version of
> sup is fairly old, but this should be close).
> The hook is cleaner, but if you want to hack it in directly, that's
> where you'd do it.
> Thanks
> -Ben
> --
> Ben Walton
> Systems Programmer - CHASS
> University of Toronto
> C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302
I looked it up, it looks similar to the suggested hook line, but the
hook line was easier to modify without risking to mess stuff up.
Thanks for your help.
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