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Re: [sup-talk] Adding string to 'missing attachment detection'
Excerpts from Ben Walton's message of 2011-10-06 02:00:00 +0200:
> Excerpts from Philipp's message of Wed Oct 05 15:18:49 -0400 2011:
> Hi Philipp,
> > All I'd need is a way to add the word 'Anhang' to that mechanism. Can
> > you tell me where to do this? I tried a web search and looked through
> > some source files but couldn't find the right place so far.
> You want to write a 'mentions-attachments' hook. You'll get the
> variables header, and body. Scan the body for whatever terms you
> want/need and return true/false as desired.
> HTH.
> -Ben
but sup does this already, it should be possible to add this single Word
in the appropriate place and be done with this. After all, ruby is an
interpreted language. The sup releases are infrequent, if another one
follows at all, and thus modifying a file is no problem. I don't have
the time to dig deep enough into ruby and sup either. I see that
http://sup.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?Hooks lists such a hook but sadly
no example.
Guess I can live without that.
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