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Re: [sup-devel] [sup-talk] sup: Fix for an UndefinedMethodError
Hi Gaute,
That sounds like a plan of action :-)
Excerpts from Gaute Hope's message of 2013-04-13 19:37:01 +0200:
> - Go for Mail in stead of RMail (index breakage)
Is this related to getting rid of Iconv for Ruby 2.0.0, or is it a
separate issue? Otherwise, I would favor lumping it in the same release
together with IMAP syncback, since both require a migration step by the
> - Integrate the IMAP / label sync back stuff (personally this is what I
> miss the most)
I've been using the imap syncback code by Damien Leone from ezyang's
branch for quite a while now (> 1 year) without any issues. It should be
fairly easy to cherry-pick the relevant commits into the development
> - Get rid of all dependencies that are abandoned or deprecated (ncurses
> gem..)
+1 I'd also add deleting all unused code and other stuff (server code,
website, Redwood protocol stuff, etc.).
> - Try to do tests on most stuff for different encodings
I thought about adding some functional tests (through the UI or
otherwise), since retrofitting unit tests is probably too much of a pain.
I need to figure out how the parts fit together some more, though.
Do you think that makes sense?
> Would be very nice:
> - Index migration
We could do the index migration like the imap syncback code does - it
recognizes that it wasn't done yet and asks you to run a command-line
> - Config migration
How exactly will the config change? Possibly it easy to detect via
regular expressions or something?