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Re: [sup-talk] sup: Fix for an UndefinedMethodError
If we go sup2 I would suggest the following plan:
- Release the best we can get with the current code for 1.9.3 as a last
community release of sup-0.12, say.. sup-0.13.
For sup2:
- Fork a new repo: sup2
- Go for Mail in stead of RMail (index breakage)
- Go for only Psych (config breakage), requires psych gem in 1.8
- Integrate the IMAP / label sync back stuff (personally this is what I
miss the most)
- Go for ruby 2.0.0 and maybe 1.8
- Get rid of all dependencies that are abandoned or deprecated (ncurses
- Try to do tests on most stuff for different encodings
- Try to get UTF-8 / encoding right
- Move all the rest of the infrastructure to something the project is in
control of
Would be very nice:
- Index migration
- Config migration
For the web page (eventually):
- note about the original project
- note about the last sup-0.13 release
- wiki and project page for sup2
This plan more or less holds whether we go sup2 or not, but I think it
is easier to get rid of the hopeless dependencies.
@sup-devel readers: discussion is currently at sup-talk, please send any
responses there.
Regards, Gaute
On 13. april 2013 19:14, Gaute Hope wrote:
> On 13. april 2013 18:35, Jonathan Lassoff wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 6:17 AM, Gaute Hope <eg@gaute.vetsj.com> wrote:
>>> On la. 13. april 2013 kl. 12.09 +0200, Jonathan Lassoff wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 2:16 AM, Gaute Hope <eg@gaute.vetsj.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Jonathan: I put your commit into a pull request at:
>>>>> - https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/pull/19
>>>>> Also, re-branding and updating to web-references:
>>>>> - https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/pull/20
>>>>> any comments on this? You can see the changes I made. I have absolutely
>>>>> no intentions of stepping on any toes, but this is a suggestion.
>>>> No, thank you very much! That looks great!
>>>>> It is a pity that the official home page and probably first search
>>>>> results direct to the abandoned home and gem of sup.
>>>> It is too bad. Hopefully William could hand off access or at least
>>>> push updates somehow.
>>>> If not, maybe we could stand up another domain pointing to github pages?
>>>> Looks like supmua.org and supm.ua are available. :p
>>>> --j
>>> Yeah.. I think some web page is pretty essential, perhaps just the
>>> standard github-pages domain for a start. Anyone feel up for the task,
>>> I'd be happy to add you to the github-organization.
>> Agreed. I snagged supmua.org for a year, and have it pointing at
>> sup-heliotrope.github.io for pages.
>> Stick me on the org, and I'll see about getting a simple site started.
> Nice. You're on.
> Cheers, Gaute