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[sup-devel] [issue58] Set background for starred column

New submission from Gregor Hoffleit <gregor@hoffleit.de>:

For the sake of consistency, Sup should always use the starred_color for the 
'starred' column in the thread-index-mode, whether there's a star or a blank.

Rationale: With this patch, I'm able to set the background color of the thread-
index to bg:7 without having to change my term's background color. Without the 
patch, the background color shines through in the starred column.

files: bg-starred.diff
messages: 143
nosy: flight
priority: bug
ruby_version: 1.8.5
status: unread
sup_version: 0.10.2
title: Set background for starred column

Sup issue tracker <sup-bugs@masanjin.net>

Attachment: bg-starred.diff
Description: Binary data

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