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[sup-devel] [issue63] Attachment filenames: RFC2184 and extension guessing

New submission from Gregor Hoffleit <gregor@hoffleit.de>:

I noticed sup has trouble handling attachments sent by Roundcube webmail. 
Somehow, those mails use an alternative encoding of filenames, specified in 

    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Type: image/jpeg;
    Content-Disposition: attachment;

Sup fails to detect these filenames.

When trying to save these attachements, the filenames generated by sup have a 
trailing semicolon.

The attached patch is a quick and dirty fix for these specific problems.
There's probably a better way to implement this.

files: rfc2184.diff
messages: 150
nosy: flight
priority: bug
ruby_version: 1.8.5
status: unread
sup_version: 0.10.2
title: Attachment filenames: RFC2184 and extension guessing

Sup issue tracker <sup-bugs@masanjin.net>

Attachment: rfc2184.diff
Description: Binary data

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