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Re: [sup-devel] [PATCH] Converted crypto to use the gpgme gem

Excerpts from Hamish D's message of Don Nov 11 18:25:13 +0100 2010:
> > - With this patch the output of the gpg run is no longer available.
> >  Like this the plus sign in front of the message does not make sense.
> >  Is there a way to get at the gpg output with your approach?
> The gpg binary is not called, so there is no output from it. What do
> you mean by the "plus sign" - where does this turn up? I haven't
> noticed that. If you tell me exactly what your expected behaviour is
> I'll see if I can replicate it.

The "+" character is right in front of the string "Good signature from
...". If you move the cursor to that line and press enter it changes
to a "-" character, but no additional text is shown. The gpg command
output used to show up there when pressing enter. 

I expect there to be some additional output about the signature
validation like keyid, signature date, trust level, ... 

At least if you can't provide any additional information, the "+"
character should not show up as this is an indicator that there is
some collapsed text to show.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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