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Re: [sup-devel] A maildir root source: syncing labels with maildirs (imap folders)

Excerpts from Gaute Hope's message of 2013-11-27 14:08:36 +0100:
> I noticed Gmail does it that way in their IMAP interface (archive on no
> other labels), thats why I did it.

_Any_ email in gmail is also in the All Mail [0], except when it is
manually moved to the [Gmail]/Trash folder, in which case it disappears
forever (well, at least for you :). I think this is the best solution,
because it is the most understandable for all MUAs out there: the fact
that "a maildir is a label" is something pretty specific to
gmail-pioneered MUAs, so at least when I backup the [Gmail]/All Mail I
know I won't have lost any of them (even if I have lost the labels).

Regarding hardlinking, I'm afraid of the cross-platform issues. I know
some people here use Mac OSX, is it safe to use hardlinking on this
platform ?

(Oh and by the way I found a script [1] that basically hardlinks every
copy of an email, this could be especially useful for gmail-based

[0] https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78755?hl=en
[1] http://jak-linux.org/projects/hardlink/

Matthieu Rakotojaona

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