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Re: [sup-talk] Get text at current line in ThredViewMode

Thanks Matthieu!

Ultimately that is what I was trying to do-open URI under cursor line.

I arrived at a similar solution. I will repost mine here, in case anyone
else finds it helpful.

class Redwood::ThreadViewMode
  def open_link_at_cursor
    BufferManager.flash "Extracting URL...#{'(turn text wrap off for better results)' if @wrap}"
    line_text = get_textline_at_cursor
    url = line_text.slice(URI::regexp)
    spawn "chromium","--new-window", url,[:in, :out, :err] => "/dev/null" unless !url
    BufferManager.flash "No URL found at cursor line" if !url
  def get_textline_at_cursor


Excerpts from Matthieu Rakotojaona's message of 2014-04-15 13:38:15 -0500:
> Hello,
> Take a look at this PR:
>   https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/pull/241
> In this PR I take the text on the current line, try to extract an URI
> out of it and open it with the system's xdg-open. The line you're
> interested in is thread_view_mobe.rb:718. Basically a view is a list of
> tuples: [color, data]. color denotes how to paint the data. The one
> you're interested in is certainly :text_color.
> This PR really old, and I should work on it, but I got distracted ...
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