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[sup-talk] Programmatically removing tags (:inbox)

Hi all,

I am trying to archive all my existing mails in order to make a nicer
workflow for myself (sort of a GTD thing with reading mails, either
acting directly or tagging them with 'todo' or 'hold' depending on whether I
have to do something or am waiting for someone to reply).

For this, I want to remove the :inbox tag from all mails in my index.
As a start I looked at https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/issues/225
and tried to reproduce what gauteh did in the console (with one single mail
which I gave a testfoo tag in sup):

| q = Index.parse_query('label:testfoo')
| a = []
| Index.each_message(q) { |x| a.push x }
| puts a # this should only contain one message if you only have one marked as draft
| m = a[0] # get the first message or find the problematic one
| m.labels.delete :testfoo
| m.sync_back
| exit

Unluckily, both in sup and programmatically the mail still has the
testfoo tag. I also tried adding an Index.save_index before the exit,
but that didn't help either.

Any ideas on how to achieve that goal (I am on 0.17.0 if that helps)?

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