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[sup-devel] [PATCH 1/3] remove mbox+ssh source

 README.txt                 |    1 -
 Rakefile                   |    1 -
 bin/sup-add                |    8 --
 bin/sup-config             |   13 ---
 doc/NewUserGuide.txt       |    1 -
 lib/sup/mbox.rb            |    2 -
 lib/sup/mbox/ssh-file.rb   |  254 --------------------------------------------
 lib/sup/mbox/ssh-loader.rb |   74 -------------
 8 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 354 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 lib/sup/mbox/ssh-file.rb
 delete mode 100644 lib/sup/mbox/ssh-loader.rb

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 4204270..7819f0b 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ Current limitations which will be fixed:
  - ncurses >= 0.9.1
  - rmail >= 0.17
  - highline
- - net-ssh
  - trollop >= 1.12
  - lockfile
  - mime-types
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 67cd0d2..9cf911b 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.add_dependency "ncurses", ">= 0.9.1"
   s.add_dependency "rmail", ">= 0.17"
   s.add_dependency "highline"
-  s.add_dependency "net-ssh"
   s.add_dependency "trollop", ">= 1.12"
   s.add_dependency "lockfile"
   s.add_dependency "mime-types", "~> 1"
diff --git a/bin/sup-add b/bin/sup-add
index a7a3752..b92b5ad 100755
--- a/bin/sup-add
+++ b/bin/sup-add
@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ For mbox files on local disk, use the form:
     mbox:<path to mbox file>, or
     mbox://<path to mbox file>
-For mbox files on remote machines, use the form:
-    mbox+ssh://<machine name>/<path to mbox file>
 For IMAP folders, use the form (note no username or password!):
     imap://<machine name>/          # unsecure, "INBOX" folder  
     imap://<machine name>/<folder>  # unsecure, arbitrary
@@ -105,11 +102,6 @@ begin
     source = 
       case parsed_uri.scheme
-      when "mbox+ssh"
-        say "For SSH connections, if you will use public key authentication, you may leave the username and password blank."
-        say ""
-        username, password = get_login_info uri, Redwood::SourceManager.sources
-        Redwood::MBox::SSHLoader.new uri, username, password, nil, !$opts[:unusual], $opts[:archive], nil, labels
       when "imap", "imaps"
         username, password = get_login_info uri, Redwood::SourceManager.sources
         Redwood::IMAP.new uri, username, password, nil, !$opts[:unusual], $opts[:archive], nil, labels
diff --git a/bin/sup-config b/bin/sup-config
index b37e0b2..5541965 100755
--- a/bin/sup-config
+++ b/bin/sup-config
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ def add_source
     menu.prompt = "What type of mail source is it? "
     menu.choice("mbox file") { type = :mbox }
     menu.choice("maildir directory") { type = :maildir }
-    menu.choice("remote mbox file (accessible via ssh)") { type = :mboxssh }
     menu.choice("IMAP server (secure)") { type = :imaps }
     menu.choice("IMAP server (unsecure)") { type = :imap }
     menu.choice("Get me out of here!") { return }
@@ -70,18 +69,6 @@ def add_source
       $last_fn = fn
        { :scheme => "maildir", :path => fn }]
-    when :mboxssh
-      $last_server ||= "localhost"
-      srv = axe "What machine is the mbox file located on?", $last_server
-      return if srv.nil? || srv.empty?
-      $last_server = srv
-      fn = axe "What's the path to the mbox file?", $last_fn
-      return if fn.nil? || fn.empty?
-      $last_fn = fn
-      fn = "/#{fn}" # lame
-      [Redwood::MBox::SSHLoader.suggest_labels_for(fn),
-       { :scheme => "mbox+ssh", :host => srv, :path => fn }]
     when :imap, :imaps
       $last_server ||= "localhost"
       srv = axe "What is the IMAP server (host, or host:port notation)?", $last_server
diff --git a/doc/NewUserGuide.txt b/doc/NewUserGuide.txt
index f22d2f1..4b46ae2 100644
--- a/doc/NewUserGuide.txt
+++ b/doc/NewUserGuide.txt
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ Instead of using sup-config to add a new source, you can manually run
 - maildir://path/to/a/filename, for a maildir directory on disk.
 - imap://imap.server/folder for an unsecure IMAP folder.
 - imaps://secure.imap.server/folder for a secure IMAP folder.
-- mbox+ssh://remote.machine/path/to/a/filename for a remote mbox file.
 Before you add the source, you need make three decisions. The first is
 whether you want Sup to regularly poll this source for new messages.
diff --git a/lib/sup/mbox.rb b/lib/sup/mbox.rb
index 7af40dd..57c371c 100644
--- a/lib/sup/mbox.rb
+++ b/lib/sup/mbox.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 require "sup/mbox/loader"
-require "sup/mbox/ssh-file"
-require "sup/mbox/ssh-loader"
 module Redwood
diff --git a/lib/sup/mbox/ssh-file.rb b/lib/sup/mbox/ssh-file.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ae4bba..0000000
--- a/lib/sup/mbox/ssh-file.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-require 'net/ssh'
-module Redwood
-module MBox
-class SSHFileError < StandardError; end
-## this is a file-like interface to a file that actually lives on the
-## other end of an ssh connection. it works by using wc, head and tail
-## to simulate (buffered) random access. on a fast connection, this
-## can have a good bandwidth, but the latency is pretty terrible:
-## about 1 second (!) per request.  luckily, we're either just reading
-## straight through the mbox (an import) or we're reading a few
-## messages at a time (viewing messages) so the latency is not a problem.
-## all of the methods here can throw SSHFileErrors, SocketErrors,
-## Net::SSH::Exceptions and Errno::ENOENTs.
-## a simple buffer of contiguous data
-class Buffer
-  def initialize
-    clear!
-  end
-  def clear!
-    @start = nil
-    @buf = ""
-  end
-  def empty?; @start.nil?; end
-  def start; @start; end
-  def endd; @start + @buf.length; end
-  def add data, offset=endd
-    #MBox::debug "+ adding #{data.length} bytes; size will be #{size + data.length}; limit #{SSHFile::MAX_BUF_SIZE}"
-    if start.nil?
-      @buf = data
-      @start = offset
-      return
-    end
-    raise "non-continguous data added to buffer (data #{offset}:#{offset + data.length}, buf range #{start}:#{endd})" if offset + data.length < start || offset > endd
-    if offset < start
-      @buf = data[0 ... (start - offset)] + @buf
-      @start = offset
-    else
-      return if offset + data.length < endd
-      @buf += data[(endd - offset) .. -1]
-    end
-  end
-  def [](o)
-    raise "only ranges supported due to programmer's laziness" unless o.is_a? Range
-    @buf[Range.new(o.first - @start, o.last - @start, o.exclude_end?)]
-  end
-  def index what, start=0
-    x = @buf.index(what, start - @start)
-    x.nil? ? nil : x + @start
-  end
-  def rindex what, start=0
-    x = @buf.rindex(what, start - @start)
-    x.nil? ? nil : x + @start
-  end
-  def size; empty? ? 0 : @buf.size; end
-  def to_s; empty? ? "<empty>" : "[#{start}, #{endd})"; end # for debugging
-## sharing a ssh connection to one machines between sources seems to
-## create lots of broken situations: commands returning bizarre (large
-## positive integer) return codes despite working; commands
-## occasionally not working, etc. i suspect this is because of the
-## fragile nature of the ssh syncshell. 
-## at any rate, we now open up one ssh connection per file, which is
-## probably silly in the extreme case.
-## the file-like interface to a remote file
-class SSHFile
-  MAX_BUF_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 # bytes
-  MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE = 1024 * 128
-  SIZE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 60 * 1 # seconds
-  ## upon these errors we'll try to rereconnect a few times
-  @@shells = {}
-  @@shells_mutex = Mutex.new
-  def initialize host, fn, ssh_opts={}
-    @buf = Buffer.new
-    @host = host
-    @fn = fn
-    @ssh_opts = ssh_opts
-    @file_size = nil
-    @offset = 0
-    @say_id = nil
-    @shell = nil
-    @shell_mutex = nil
-    @buf_mutex = Mutex.new
-  end
-  def to_s; "mbox+ssh://#@host/#@fn"; end ## TODO: remove this EVILness
-  def connect
-    do_remote nil
-  end
-  def eof?; @offset >= size; end
-  def eof; eof?; end # lame but IO's method is named this and rmail calls that
-  def seek loc; @offset = loc; end
-  def tell; @offset; end
-  def total; size; end
-  def path; @fn end
-  def size
-    if @file_size.nil? || (Time.now - @last_size_check) > SIZE_CHECK_INTERVAL
-      @last_size_check = Time.now
-      @file_size = do_remote("wc -c #@fn").split.first.to_i
-    end
-    @file_size
-  end
-  def gets
-    return nil if eof?
-    @buf_mutex.synchronize do
-      make_buf_include @offset
-      expand_buf_forward while @buf.index("\n", @offset).nil? && @buf.endd < size
-      returning(@buf[@offset .. (@buf.index("\n", @offset) || -1)]) { |line| @offset += line.length }
-    end
-  end
-  def read n
-    return nil if eof?
-    @buf_mutex.synchronize do
-      make_buf_include @offset, n
-      @buf[@offset ... (@offset += n)]
-    end
-  end
-  ## TODO: share this code with imap
-  def say s
-    @say_id = BufferManager.say s, @say_id if BufferManager.instantiated?
-    info s
-  end
-  def shutup
-    BufferManager.clear @say_id if BufferManager.instantiated? && @say_id
-    @say_id = nil
-  end
-  def unsafe_connect
-    return if @shell
-    @key = [@host, @ssh_opts[:username]]
-    begin
-      @shell, @shell_mutex = @@shells_mutex.synchronize do
-        unless @@shells.member? @key
-          say "Opening SSH connection to #{@host} for #@fn..."
-          session = Net::SSH.start @host, @ssh_opts
-          say "Starting SSH shell..."
-          @@shells[@key] = [session.shell.sync, Mutex.new]
-        end
-        @@shells[@key]
-      end
-      say "Checking for #@fn..."
-      @shell_mutex.synchronize { raise Errno::ENOENT, @fn unless @shell.test("-e #@fn").status == 0 }
-    ensure
-      shutup
-    end
-  end
-  def do_remote cmd, expected_size=0
-    retries = 0
-    result = nil
-    begin
-      unsafe_connect
-      if cmd
-        # MBox::debug "sending command: #{cmd.inspect}"
-        result = @shell_mutex.synchronize { x = @shell.send_command cmd; sleep 0.25; x }
-        raise SSHFileError, "Failure during remote command #{cmd.inspect}: #{(result.stderr || result.stdout || "")[0 .. 100]}" unless result.status == 0
-      end
-      ## Net::SSH::Exceptions seem to happen every once in a while for
-      ## no good reason.
-    rescue Net::SSH::Exception, *RECOVERABLE_ERRORS
-      if (retries += 1) <= 3
-        @@shells_mutex.synchronize do
-          @shell = nil
-          @@shells[@key] = nil
-        end
-        retry
-      end
-      raise
-    end
-    result.stdout if cmd
-  end
-  def get_bytes offset, size
-    do_remote "tail -c +#{offset + 1} #@fn | head -c #{size}", size
-  end
-  def expand_buf_forward n=REASONABLE_TRANSFER_SIZE
-    @buf.add get_bytes(@buf.endd, n)
-  end
-  ## try our best to transfer somewhere between
-  def make_buf_include offset, size=0
-    good_size = [size, REASONABLE_TRANSFER_SIZE].max
-    trans_start, trans_size = 
-      if @buf.empty?
-        [offset, good_size]
-      elsif offset < @buf.start
-        if @buf.start - offset <= good_size
-          start = [@buf.start - good_size, 0].max
-          [start, @buf.start - start]
-        elsif @buf.start - offset < MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE
-          [offset, @buf.start - offset]
-        else
-          MBox::debug "clearing SSH buffer because buf.start #{@buf.start} - offset #{offset} >= #{MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE}"
-          @buf.clear!
-          [offset, good_size]
-        end
-      else
-        return if [offset + size, self.size].min <= @buf.endd # whoohoo!
-        if offset - @buf.endd <= good_size
-          [@buf.endd, good_size]
-        elsif offset - @buf.endd < MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE
-          [@buf.endd, offset - @buf.endd]
-        else
-          MBox::debug "clearing SSH buffer because offset #{offset} - buf.end #{@buf.endd} >= #{MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE}"
-          @buf.clear!
-          [offset, good_size]
-        end
-      end          
-    @buf.clear! if @buf.size > MAX_BUF_SIZE
-    @buf.add get_bytes(trans_start, trans_size), trans_start
-  end
diff --git a/lib/sup/mbox/ssh-loader.rb b/lib/sup/mbox/ssh-loader.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e422a48..0000000
--- a/lib/sup/mbox/ssh-loader.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-require 'net/ssh'
-module Redwood
-module MBox
-class SSHLoader < Source
-  attr_accessor :username, :password
-  yaml_properties :uri, :username, :password, :cur_offset, :usual, 
-                  :archived, :id, :labels
-  def initialize uri, username=nil, password=nil, start_offset=nil, usual=true, archived=false, id=nil, labels=[]
-    raise ArgumentError, "not an mbox+ssh uri: #{uri.inspect}" unless uri =~ %r!^mbox\+ssh://!
-    super uri, start_offset, usual, archived, id
-    @parsed_uri = URI(uri)
-    @username = username
-    @password = password
-    @uri = uri
-    @cur_offset = start_offset
-    @labels = (labels || []).freeze
-    opts = {}
-    opts[:username] = @username if @username
-    opts[:password] = @password if @password
-    @f = SSHFile.new host, filename, opts
-    @loader = Loader.new @f, start_offset, usual, archived, id
-    ## heuristic: use the filename as a label, unless the file
-    ## has a path that probably represents an inbox.
-  end
-  def self.suggest_labels_for path; Loader.suggest_labels_for(path) end
-  def connect; safely { @f.connect }; end
-  def host; @parsed_uri.host; end
-  def filename; @parsed_uri.path[1..-1] end
-  def next
-    safely do
-      offset, labels = @loader.next
-      self.cur_offset = @loader.cur_offset # superclass keeps @cur_offset which is used by yaml
-      [offset, (labels + @labels).uniq] # add our labels
-    end
-  end
-  def end_offset
-    safely { @f.size }
-  end
-  def cur_offset= o; @cur_offset = @loader.cur_offset = o; @dirty = true; end
-  def id; @loader.id; end
-  def id= o; @id = @loader.id = o; end
-  # def cur_offset; @loader.cur_offset; end # think we'll be ok without this
-  def to_s; @parsed_uri.to_s; end
-  def safely
-    begin
-      yield
-    rescue Net::SSH::Exception, SocketError, SSHFileError, SystemCallError, IOError => e
-      m = "error communicating with SSH server #{host} (#{e.class.name}): #{e.message}"
-      raise FatalSourceError, m
-    end
-  end
-  [:start_offset, :load_header, :load_message, :raw_header, :raw_message].each do |meth|
-    define_method(meth) { |*a| safely { @loader.send meth, *a } }
-  end

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