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[sup-devel] [PATCH 3/3] simplify sup-add

 bin/sup-add |   40 ----------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/sup-add b/bin/sup-add
index 059a4e2..e354ea8 100755
--- a/bin/sup-add
+++ b/bin/sup-add
@@ -30,50 +30,10 @@ EOS
   opt :unusual, "Do not automatically poll these sources for new messages."
   opt :labels, "A comma-separated set of labels to apply to all messages from this source", :type => String
   opt :force_new, "Create a new account for this source, even if one already exists."
-  opt :force_account, "Reuse previously defined account user@hostname.", :type => String
 Trollop::die "require one or more sources" if ARGV.empty?
-## for sources that require login information, prompt the user for
-## that. also provide a list of previously-defined login info to
-## choose from, if any.
-def get_login_info uri, sources
-  uri = URI(uri)
-  accounts = sources.map do |s|
-    next unless s.respond_to?(:username)
-    suri = URI(s.uri)
-    [suri.host, s.username, s.password]
-  end.compact.uniq.sort_by { |h, u, p| h == uri.host ? 0 : 1 }
-  username, password = nil, nil
-  unless accounts.empty? || $opts[:force_new]
-    if $opts[:force_account]
-      host, username, password = accounts.find { |h, u, p| $opts[:force_account] == "#{u}@#{h}" }
-      unless username && password
-        say "No previous account #{$opts[:force_account].inspect} found."
-      end
-    else
-      say "Would you like to use the same account as for a previous source for #{uri}?"
-      choose do |menu|
-        accounts.each do |host, olduser, oldpw|
-          menu.choice("Use the account info for #{olduser}@#{host}") { username, password = olduser, oldpw }
-        end
-        menu.choice("Use a new account") { }
-        menu.prompt = "Account selection? "
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  unless username && password
-    username = ask("Username for #{uri.host}: ");
-    password = ask("Password for #{uri.host}: ") { |q| q.echo = false }
-    puts # why?
-  end
-  [username, password]
 $terminal.wrap_at = :auto
 index = Redwood::Index.init

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