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[sup-devel] [issue39] Exception running Sup while following the Instructions to fix UTF-8

New submission from anonymous:


I was following [these][http://sup.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?UTF8] instructions
to fix the UTF-8 encoding problem, and when I ran `ruby -Ilib bin/sup`, I got
the following exception:

--- RuntimeError from thread: main
no Redwood::SentManager instance defined in method call to i_am_the_instance!
./lib/sup/util.rb:512:in `method_missing'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/sup/sent.rb:10:in `initialize'
./lib/sup/util.rb:524:in `new'
./lib/sup/util.rb:524:in `init'
./lib/sup.rb:124:in `start'

messages: 101
nosy: anonymous
priority: bug
ruby_version: 1.8
status: unread
sup_version: git
title: Exception running Sup while following the Instructions to fix UTF-8

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