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[sup-devel] [issue122] editing labels in thread view mode messes up labels of all messages in thread, even after undo

New submission from Sascha Silbe <sascha-web-masanjin.net-sup-bugs@silbe.org>:

When changing labels in thread view mode (and probably also in thread index / inbox mode), labels for _all_ messages of the thread are set to be exactly the same. Apart from not being what the user expects, it also messes up special labels like :attachment.
Even worse, the undo block also sets the labels of all messages to the union of the previous labels, thereby not(completely) undoing the effect.

At the very least, undo should work properly and only labels that have actually been added or removed by the user should be touched. This would preserve the state of both the special labels and any source-specific labels that were not explicitly changed by the user.

I would also expect edit_labels to only apply to the current message in thread view mode. If you disagree, please consider adding an edit_message_labels keybinding. This would especially be useful for managing "todo lists".

messages: 288
nosy: sascha_silbe
priority: bug
ruby_version: 1.8.x
status: unread
sup_version: git master (45c3433)
title: editing labels in thread view mode messes up labels of all messages in thread, even after undo

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