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[sup-devel] [issue86] git-style delta storage

New submission from anonymous:

Maybe this is a crazy idea, but I think it would be a well-rewarding long-term
project because if it's completed, Sup would be the first mail client to
implement it: have Sup store mail in delta storage.

An obvious raison d'être would be that storing a lot of mail would consume a
large amount of disk space, and using delta storage would greatly reduce that
amount, especially when threads that contain messages that quote each other are

See http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/git/2007/9/21/270502 and

Also see http://www.matthias-georgi.de/gitstore

messages: 204
nosy: anonymous
priority: feature request
ruby_version: 1.9.1_p378
status: unread
sup_version: 0.11
title: git-style delta storage

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