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[sup-devel] [issue141] Can't see my own messages from Thunderbird mbox sources

New submission from Jonas H <jonas@lophus.org>:

As discussed in this thread <http://rubyforge.org/pipermail/sup-talk/2010-
December/004387.html>, here comes my example mbox file.

The mbox attached contains two messages: One message to myself and one reply to 
that message.

Short trip into the weird world of Thunderbird Disk Space Saving(tm):
If I got messages in folder A and then copy them to folder B, they won't really 
be copied to save disk space. Thus, if I index folder B, all messages that were 
copied from folder A are missing from the index.  (If folder A gets deleted, 
Thunderbird moves all marked-to-copy-into-B messages into folder B.)

In case of two messages, folder A actually contained three messages (although I 
only see two of them in Thunderbird). The third message was the first e-mail I 
sent to myself coming from the e-mail server - actually I immediately deleted 
that one, but apparently it stays in the mbox anyway.

The mbox I attached is of type B, i.e. a folder that theoretically should 
contain three messages following Thunderbird Logic(tm), but it only contains two 
because Thunderbird does this magic disk space saving thing (I guess).

Anyway, sup should grab the bodies in both cases because they're in the mbox in 
any case.

files: bla
messages: 363
nosy: jonash
priority: bug
ruby_version: 1.8
status: unread
sup_version: 0.11
title: Can't see my own messages from Thunderbird mbox sources

Sup issue tracker <sup-bugs@masanjin.net>

Attachment: bla
Description: Binary data

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