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Re: [sup-talk] Getting gpg to work
William Morgan <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net> writes:
> Reformatted excerpts from Micah Anderson's message of 2009-05-28:
>> [Fri May 29 00:17:42 -0400 2009] crypto: detected gpg binary in /usr/bin/gpg
> Any other obvious messages in the log about multipart/encrypted?
I failed to respond to this message, partly because I think I decided to
give up on sup at the time. But I am back now, because sup is so
alluring, and I'm trying harder to switch this time :)
This time, gpg works fine... although it is using the wrong gpg keyid
when I try to send. I did manage to find and set the gpgkey configurable
in the .sup/config.yaml:
:signature: /home/micah/.signature
:email: micah@riseup.net
:sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -ti
:name: micah anderson
:gpgkey: 0xDEADBEEF
but still, that key does not get used, and instead the first key in my
keyring for my email@address gets used instead. I do not want that,
because that key is set to expire in about a week.
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