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Re: [sup-talk] [PATCH] minor nits in exception apology message

Reformatted excerpts from Nicolas Pouillard's message of 2009-11-01:
> Have strong points against Ditz or this is also a lake of energy?

Both, really. Ditz was an experiment, and after using it for a while I
decided it was more trouble than it was worth. I also realized that I
*did* want a centralized web site after all, and not necessarily a
complicated distributed thing, both because I want non-technical users
to be able to submit bug reports, and because development, in reality,
*is* centralized.

(I had been doing some work on Sheila, which would've provided a web
frontent that people could use to submit bug reports, but even that
wouldn't be quite what I wanted.)

Having thought about it for a while, I think what I *really* want for
Sup is something that tracks bugs/feature requests at the feature branch
level (i.e. assumes that each feature branch provides a new feature or a
bugfix), has a web interface for non-technical users to submit bug
reports and for developers to browse/modify state on bugs, and which
uses email for discussion, like I did with Whisper. (And I would be fine
with it being git-specific.)

I am now spending all my energy trying to keep myself from building such 
a thing.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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