On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:25 PM, William Morgan
<wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net> wrote:
Reformatted excerpts from Sebastian Schwarz's message of 2009-11-03:
> Moreover I'd like to advertise/suggest [Roundup][1]. Apart form a slim
> web interface -- [here][2] Python's issue tracker as an example -- it
> also offers a fully functional [email interface][3], which allows --
> from what I understand -- creating, discussing and setting properties
> like status and labels of issues.
Nicolas suggested this too. I tried installing it locally (late on a
Sunday night, with a screaming infant in my ear) and couldn't get it to
behave. But, bugs.python.org looks great, and it looks like they're using
email to discuss and change issue state, which is awesome. I'll give it
another shot.