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Re: [sup-talk] Sup-sync exception


Excerpts from Mark Anderson's message of Thu Nov 05 12:29:23 -0800 2009:
> I have an offlineimap synced IMAP Maildir area, and for some reason I get an error when I try to run
> sup-sync.

I had that exact same thing.  If you applied a patch that used
Ncurses.cols rather than WRAP_LEN to determine screen width, you'll have
that problem in the non-curses based sup applications.

The patch came from an email with the subject

    [PATCH] Use terminal width instead of hardcoded 80 as the wrap length.

I initially didn't have any problems whatsoever with that patch until I ran
sup-sync. I fixed it with the attached commit.

This patch just does a rescue on that call.  The patch is only
applicable if you had applied a patch that came through previously on
this list for using Ncurses.cols rather than WRAP_LEN in
Rick Tessner

Attachment: 0001-Corrects-Use-terminal-width-instead-of-hardcoded-80-.patch
Description: Binary data

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