I've gone forward with an experiment I had mentioned I might try: trying to create a faster sup-sync by using C rather than ruby. My approach was to use Xapian to create a sup-compatible index, and to use libgmime for the mail parsing. That meant that I only had to write a tiny bit of code to glue gmime together with xapian. The code is an unholy mess of C and C++, (so there are as many as three different string types, sometimes all in one function!), but it seems to be working at least. I wrote a little xapian-dump program to make a textual dump of a database, (all data, terms, and values for each document), and I verified that my program, notmuch, could create identical[*] terms and values when indexing about 150 recent messages from the sup-talk mailing list. I've also verified that notmuch can index my own collection of nearly 600,000 email messages without any problems. The big difference in notmuch that makes the resulting index incompatible with sup is that it doesn't generate a serialized ruby data structure for the document data like sup currently expects. Instead it just shoves the mail message's filename into the data field. So if anyone wanted to use notmuch with sup, this would need to be resolved on one side or the other.[**] As for performance, things look pretty good, but perhaps not as good as I had hoped. From a test of importing about 400,000 messages from my mail archive, notmuch starts out between 300 - 400 messages/sec. but after about 40,000 messages slows down to about 100 messages/sec. and stabilizes there. I haven't tested sup recently, but from my recollection indexing the same archive on the same computer, sup started out at about 40 messages/sec. and slowed down to about 20 messages/sec. (for as long as I watched it). So this is preliminary, but it looks like notmuch gives a 5-10x performance improvement over sup, (but likely closer to the 5x end of that range unless you've got a very small index---at which point who cares how fast/slow things are?). A quick glance with a profiler shows xapian dominating the notmuch profile at 62% and gmime hardly appearing at all (near 2%). As contrast, ruby dominates the sup-sync profile with xapian down in the 8% range. (So there's the 10x target there.) One other advantage is that with xapian dominating the profile, notmuch stands to benefit from future performance improvements to xapian itself. If that ruby time is dominated by mail parsing, it's possible that much of the advantage of notmuch could be gained by simply switching from rmail to a non-ruby-based parser like gmime. But that's just a guess as I haven't tried to find where the ruby time is being spent. If anyone is interested in playing along at home, my code is available via git with: git clone git://git.cworth.org/git/notmuch Have fun, -Carl [*] Some minor differences exist in the heuristics for reognizing signatures, and sup sometimes splits numbers into multiple terms (such as "1754" indexed as two terms "17" and "54") which I couldn't explain nor replicate. Finally notmuch doesn't attempt to index encrypted messages. [**] Beyond this incompatibility, notmuch is not even close to being a functional replacement for sup-sync. It currently only knows how to shove new documents into the database and doesn't know how to do any updating. Similarly it doesn't have any code to examine mtimes to identify new or changed messages to be updated. It also doesn't look at maildir filename flags to determine labels, nor does it provide any means for the user to request custom labels to be attached to certain messages.
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_______________________________________________ sup-talk mailing list sup-talk@rubyforge.org http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/sup-talk