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Re: [sup-talk] Using TLS instead of ssl

Reformatted excerpts from k.v.ramakrishna reddy's message of 2009-10-27:
> What are the changes that i need to make so that sup uses TLS instead
> of ssl when connecting to my source ?

Honestly I'm not sure. I'm not that familiar with IMAP. Is that
something that's negotiated during setting up a connection?

> Further more how can i delete a source ?

There's not a great way right now. You can remove it from
~/.sup/sources.yaml manually, and then you can remove the messages from
the index with something like this:

  $ sh devel/console.sh
  >> q = Index.parse_query "source_id:4"
  => # ...
  >> Index.each_id(q) { |id| Index.delete id }
  => nil
  >> Index.save
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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