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Re: [sup-talk] Choosing a bug tracker for Sup
Excerpts from Israel Herraiz's message of Mi Nov 04 10:44:02 +0100 2009:
> I have been using Trac since a couple of years now, and it is sensible
> to spam, ok, but you can always delete comments, tickets, or anything
I am referring to trac 0.11.5, which does not have a possibility to delete
comments or tickets without installing a third-party plugin (which is
hard to use because you have to use ticket IDs). If I am wrong, please tell me
where they hid the possibility, so I don’t need the plugin anymore.
> in general, and force people to register to post comments or tickets,
> to fight against spam.
I consider forcing people to register to post comments/tickets as the end of
bug reports for my project. I personally would only register at a bugtracker if
the bug was *really* important and there would be *no* other possibility to
contact the author of the software. However, I want to get every bugreport for
my software and thus lower the requirements for users to actually help me
improve my software by submitting bugreports.
Best regards,
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