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Re: [sup-talk] i18n?

Excerpts from William Morgan's message of Di Okt 06 17:38:39 +0200 2009:
> This looks great. A couple comments:

Cool, good to know you like it!

> 1. I would prefer that uppercase substitution symbols made lowercase.
> The uppercase seems weird and un-Rubyish to me.

Ok, sounds good. I thought making them uppercase to let them be more
distict from the rest of the string but since we surround them by #{}
as in Ruby, you're making a good point here. I'll change that.

> 2. I think it would be nice to have a simple module along the lines of:
>   module M17n
>     def m s, o={}; I18n[m, o] end
>   end
> and to have that be the primary entry point when you want a translated
> string. Then classes can include that module if they want m17n support,
> and instead of writing
>   I18n["text", { :var => value }]
> you can have
>   m("text", :var => value)
> which is a little easier to read, IMO.

Same here. Think this is nicer, too.

> 3. Should we call it m17n instead of i18n? I think that might be a
> little more accurate. Perhaps too nitpicky. What do you think?

I couldn't care less about the name - but I guess m17n fits better,
since it's just multilingualization. :)

> 4. A finishing touch would be to have sup-config ask the user what
> language they are interested in.

Alright, cool. I'll add that as well, once I have the rest changed & working.

Christopher Bertels
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