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Re: [sup-talk] Crash while in thread-view-mode
Excerpts from Ben Gamari's message of Tue Oct 06 11:53:18 -0400 2009:
> Well, it seems like whatever caused the crash earlier did something to
> my index. Now any attempt to open a thread-index-mode of my LKML label
> (which I was viewing in the earlier crash) causes the client to
> immediately crash.
Hmm, it seems like the problem is spreading. I now come to find out that
another label triggers this same crash (although I guess it's possible
that the intersection of the two labels is non-nil). I tried running a
sup-sync -oc on the relevant sources to no avail. I really don't have
time to devote to debugging this at the moment so it looks like I might
need to take another hiatus from sup. Just as I was starting to get used
to it... sigh. Anyways, if anyone has any ideas for improving things,
let me know. Thanks!
- Ben
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