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Re: [sup-talk] Libnotify popups with sup

Excerpts from Anirudh Sanjeev's message of Sun Jan 17 10:13:12 -0700 2010:
> I want to write a small hook to sup to use libnotify and show a small
> popup whenever email comes from specific sources.
> I need to be able to mention a list of email addresses of people who's
> emails are important to me and need to be notified of, and the other
> ones I can just ignore.
> I don't know any ruby, but I'm sure that this isn't something too
> difficult to implement. I am not sure how to use the hooks and the API
> in them. I guess I have to use a hook that is executed when the email is
> received, but I'm not sure how to get the exact text of the email
> address.

You can see the hooks (and the variables they expose) by running sup -l.
I think you want the after-poll hook.  Something like this might work
(I'm modifying my after-poll.rb slightly)

  require 'cgi'
  notify_addresses = %w(
  from_and_subj.each do |m|
    next if notify_addresses.select { |a| m[0].include? a }.empty?
    msg = CGI.escapeHTML(m.join "\n")
    system("notify-send", "-t", "10000", "New E-Mail", msg)

(the HTML escaping is necessary for notify-send to work, otherwise you
just get a blank popup).

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