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Re: [sup-talk] [Sup-announce] [ANN] Sup 0.10 released

Reformatted excerpts from Decklin Foster's message of 2010-01-26:
> Could you update the tarballs on http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2603 ?
> I have 0.10.1 ready to go but I'd like to put a proper orig.tar.gz in the
> Debian archive this time. Thanks.

God that's huge pain. But for you, I have done it. (0.10.2 though.)

> Also, I assume from the --help text of sup-convert-ferret-index that
> all I need to tell users (in our NEWS.Debian) is to run it. (I deleted
> my Ferret index a while ago...)

Yes, they should run it before 0.11 is released.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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