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Re: [sup-talk] unread status
Reformatted excerpts from Philipp Überbacher's message of 2009-12-29:
> I hit 'L' 'Enter' and notice that all messages I just read are listed as
> unread. I navigate to unread, read the messages again and hit 'a'. Now
> they aren't marked as unread anymore.
If you press "$" before hitting L, I think the counts will be correct.
An unhappy consequence of using explicit save, combined with the fact
that label-list-mode counts come from the index.
> I experienced something similar when I used the built-in imap support.
> There it wouldn't really Poll when I hit P, new messages only showed up
> after I restarted sup.
That sounds like a bug.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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