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Re: [sup-talk] Recovering lost thread

Excerpts from William Morgan's message of Tue Jan 12 21:21:28 +0100 2010:
> Reformatted excerpts from Philipp Überbacher's message of 2010-01-11:
> > I have a somewhat related question.
> > I'm using offlineimap -> maildir -> sup and the issue I have is that I
> > don't get messages that were already read when I installed/ran sup.
> That's weird. These were messages that are in your imap inbox, but
> simple aren't read? Is it possible you they are in the Sup index but
> aren't showing up in the Sup inbox? E.g. if you search for a particular
> message, do you see it?

I think you're right. The messages are there, the messages marked as
read in the imap inbox simply never showed up in sups inbox.

This is only part of the reason for my confusion. My mail system was a
bit of a mess and I cleaned it up while switching to sup. Some old
messages that I'd need live in some pop account that's now defunct, then
there were strange redirects from one account to another, all of which
left me in this state. Guess it's all better now, except for all the old
data that still lives in my now defunct claws mail in some form...

Sorry for the noise.
Best regards,

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