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Re: [sup-talk] reply-from.rb troubles
Excerpts from William Morgan's message of Sun Jan 17 17:01:31 +0100 2010:
> Reformatted excerpts from Philipp Überbacher's message of 2010-01-17:
> > So it seems the issue is that
> > Person.from_address "<hollunder@lavabit.com>"
> > doesn't get executed or doesn't work for some reason.
> >
> > I don't know what's the issue here...
> When I copy your code to my reply-from.rb, add a label "mailinglists" to
> a message, and reply, I see "From: hollunder <hollunder@lavabit.com>".
> So, it works for me...
> You can add more logging and see what Person object it's returning.
> Failing that, you can add some info statements to reply-mode.rb and see
> what's happening in there.
Now I did:
if message.has_label? :mailinglists
info "Looks like replying to a mailinglist."
Person.from_address "<hollunder@lavabit.com>"
a = Person.from_address "<hollunder@lavabit.com>"
info 'This is Person.from_address "<hollunder@lavabit.com>": '
elsif message.has_label? :murks_lavabit
info "Looks like replying with default."
Person.from_address "<murks@lavabit.com>"
Which is probably not clever, but I got:
[Sun Jan 17 17:38:17 +0100 2010] Looks like replying to a mailinglist.
[Sun Jan 17 17:38:17 +0100 2010] This is Person.from_address
[Sun Jan 17 17:38:17 +0100 2010] reply-from returned non-Person, using
default from.
It seems this is trying to tell me what's wrong..
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