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Re: [sup-talk] sent_source - singular or per-account?
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Tero Tilus <tero@tilus.net> wrote:
> Bryan Richardson, 2010-01-08 18:00:
>> I guess the first question I should really ask is if Tero is going
>> to take a stab at this or if I should... :)
> Make your choise and take your stab. I'll be a happy user of
> sent_source selection, be it hook or conf based.
Would someone be nice enough to tell me when/where the source gets set
in SentManager? I've grepped the heck out of the code and can't find
it anywhere. Also, where's the code that checks the front of the
sent_source uri for 'maildir' in order to know to create a new Maildir
source object?
> I've already got a long enough backlog of features I want to hack
> with.
> --
> Tero Tilus ## 050 3635 235 ## http://tero.tilus.net/
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