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Re: [sup-talk] Gmail question

Excerpts from William Morgan's message of Mon Dec 21 11:56:19 -0500 2009:

> I believe that Gmail exposes those types of things to IMAP clients as
> IMAP folders with funny names. (If you see these messages in Sup's
> inbox, then I am wrong about that.)

Yes, it definitely does.  I had to migrate 300+ accounts out of gmail
via IMAP.  If you're doing offlineimap for this task, I'd suggest
mapping each 'folder' to a separate Maildir and, if possible, use hard
links for messages that land in multiple 'folders.'  An md5sum of the
headers is the heuristic I used to detect this.

>   sup-add imaps://imap.gmail.com/%5BGmail%5D%2FSent+Mail
>   sup-add imaps://imap.gmail.com/%5BGmail%5D%2Flabelname

Depending on the age and 'type' of account, you may also see things
like .../%5BGoogle%20%5B%2Flabelname.

> Anyone more familiar with Gmail+Sup, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't use sup for any of my gmail needs, this is all based on my
export experience.

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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