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Re: [sup-talk] Questions about offlineimap+msmtp+maildir+gmail syncing

Excerpts from Anirudh Sanjeev's message of Wed Jan 06 06:38:20 -0500 2010:
> 1. Offlineimap fetches email and saves to Maildir (I am behind a very
>    slow connection, I need to mirror email)
> 2. The appropriate Maildir is added as a source in sup. Specifically,
>    the Gmail.[All Mail] Folder, which has "cur".
> 3. I configured msmtp to be used for sending email instead of sendmail.

My setup is similar.

> 1. When I send email via sup, I see the same email as an unread message
>    in my Gmail web frontend in the Inbox folder rather than the sent
>    folder.

It looks like in your sup config.yaml you're only using one of your two 
accounts to send mail from.  You're probably seeing messages sent from 
anirudh@anirudhsanjeev.org in your andy@ninjagod.com gmail interface?

I would add the ninjagod account to your sup config.yaml and take a look at 
the wiki [MultipleAccountsAndReply][1] and the reply-from/before-edit 

[1]: http://sup.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?MultipleAccountsAndReply
[2]: http://sup.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?Hooks

> 2. Any changes in sup aren't reflected in my web frontend. I am guessing
>    this is a problem with my offlineimap configuration. Deleting or
>    archiving an email doesn't change anything in the web client.

This is because sup is primarily concerned with its own index, and does not 
at present manipulate its sources by default.  Though there is
sup-sync-back which can propagate deleted messages or marked-as-spam back 
to sources--it only supports mbox at present.

The fact that you're not seeing changes is not your fault--sup just doesn't 
do it.

> 3. I am unable to work with the drafts already existing in Gmail and the
>    web interface is unaware of the drafts I have here. A suggestion on
>    how to fix this would be awesome!.

You could add your gmail drafts as another source to get them into sup, 
though sup won't actually treat those messages as drafts and you won't see 
sup drafts in gmail.

> 4. Any other suggestions on how to make the experience with offlineimap
>    would be awesome! I initially used offlineimap's imap server
>    mirroring feature, but I found putting the emails in Maildir format
>    made it a lot easier.

If sup actually manipulated its sources, you wouldn't have these issues, 
but it doesn't.  So aside from the missing account in your sup config.yaml, 
I'd say your setup is fine and is working as it should.

Sup doesn't play well with other interfaces manipulating its 
sources--you'll be doing the sup-sync dance a lot.  I just stopped using 
other mail clients with my sources and I've been happy ever since.

Good luck,
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