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Re: [sup-talk] Sup with several gmail accounts - advice needed
Excerpts from Luis P. Mendes's message of lun. juin 21 13:27:27 +0200 2010:
> In Sup, what is the best way?
> Do I just add the '[Gmail].All mail' folder that is being synchronized
> with gmail and then I have to redo in sup all the filters I have in
> web based gmail?
> Or do I have advantages in adding to sup all the subfolders in disk,
> including the 'All mail' and get plenty of email repeated, as they
> already are because of offlineimap synchronization.
> Is there any other method for gmail imap synchronization that is
> preferred by sup users?
I added each subfolder corresponding to a gmail tag as a maildir
source in sup with the proper label and the auto-archive option. I
guess it is not necessary to add the All Mails one since adding all
your tags + the INBOX folder should already cover all your mails. With
this settings I handle my mails the same way as I did in the web
> I've read that upward imap synchronization is not yet available or is
> limited. This is also an issue for me. I can expect that it is going
> to be operational in the near term? If so, I could live well using
> almost only local based sup to manage my emails.
I heard about someone working on it a few weeks ago, but I don't have
more news. Offlineimap already has upward imap synchronization
support, what sup need is upward maildir synchronization.
Damien Leone <damien.leone@fensalir.fr>
Web: http://dleone.fensalir.fr/
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