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Re: [sup-talk] choosing signatures


at first, that looks like a duplication of code. Could you elaborate why
you use both of these hooks?


* Eric Sherman <hyperbolist@gmail.com> [Di Jun 08 13:57:54 +0200 2010]
> Excerpts from Daniel Goldin's message of Tue Jun 08 01:16:25 -0400 2010:
> > Thanks so much, works like a charm. But is there a way to change the
> > "From:" and "In-reply-to:" and "Reply-to:" headers without having to add
> > the config option ":ask_for_from: true"?
> You may use the before-edit and reply-from hooks.  Here are scrubbed 
> versions of mine:
> before-edit.rb:
> if header["To"] =~ /megacorp|ultramegacorp|alternacorp|minicorp|othercorp/
>   header["From"] = "me <me@ultramegacorp.com>"
> elsif header["To"] =~ /somelist|alternalist|otherlist/
>   header["From"] = "me <me@nerdylistemail.org>"
> end
> header["Bcc"] = header["From"]
> reply-from.rb:
> val = case [message.recipient_email, message.to, message.cc, message.from].flatten.to_s
>       when /megacorp|ultramegacorp|alternacorp|minicorp|othercorp/ then "me <me@ultramegacorp.com>"
>       when /personal.org/ then "me <me@personal.org>"
>       when /nerdylistemail.org|somelist|alternalist|otherlist/ then "me <me@nerdylistemail.org>"
>       when /newemail/ then "me <me@newemail.com>"
>       when /oldemail/ then "me <me@newemail.com>"
>       end
> Person.from_address val
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