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Re: [sup-talk] Slow opening of threads?
Excerpts from Shadowfirebird's message of Fri Oct 22 05:23:42 -0400 2010:
> Is it me, or is Sup sometimes very slow at opening a thread? I mean: a couple of minutes to open a thread with two or three messages and no attachments, about one time in three?
> It *could* be because my maildir is on the other side of an NFS mount. Or, not.
I have that experience with one of my maildirs that is in an ecryptfs
directory. It's not quite a couple of minutes, but sometimes up to 30
seconds opening a very long thread. I've seen slowdowns on ecryptfs
doing other things like compiles.
So my guess is that the slowdown you're seeing is due to NFS. In my
experience NFS is a performance hog and should be avoided at all
costs. If at all possible, run sup on a single machine with your
maildirs (and your .sup directory) on a local disk. If you need to
access your mail from other machines, log into your sup-running
machine via ssh.
Also (and this is perhaps the most important thing), run sup inside a
screen session so you won't lose any of your work if the ssh
connection goes down. Screen is useful even if you only access your
mail from a single machine, because it will keep your session alive if
Gnome/KDE crashes or you have to log out and back in for any other
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