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Re: [sup-talk] printing emails (but not attachments)

Excerpts from Michael McDermott's message of Wed Mar 17 13:47:16 -0600 2010:
> Well, I'm not a dev, but this little wrapper + muttprint is exactly the
> kind of thing I've been looking for, from the time I was using pine
> until now.
Glad you like it.  Added it to the wiki.  Although it seems to make much
more sense to have this functionality inside sup itself.  sup already
knows how to decode and display many of the content-types, it already
hides attachments it can't display, and it formats the headers as well.
I tried writing a patch to add a config line for printer command,
add a keystroke for printing, and then have sup pipe the modified email
into the defined printer command, but it's beyond my ruby skills and
beyond the time I spent trying to grok sup.


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