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Re: [sup-talk] New website design for sup - preview
Reformatted excerpts from Anirudh Sanjeev's message of 2010-04-11:
> http://anirudhsanjeev.org/temp/supsite/
Personally I like this design. I think it's a lot more visually
appealing than the original page, without going too much into world of
web 2.0 gradients and shiny bubbles, which is something I would like to
There are some tweaks I would make to the content--in particular, I like
the tagline "the email client of choice for nerds everywhere", and
references to IMAP should probably be removed--but I'm fine with the
design as a whole.
I also do like having the Gmail "quick"start guide readily available.
The wiki has an aura of decay around it (if someone wants to clean it
up, I will award Sup Points (tm)). Having the guide on the homepage
would be super convenient. I'd prefer to have it be a separate page, and
sit alongside an mbox/Maildir quickstart guide.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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