Excerpts from Michał Kawalec's message of Sun Jul 11 08:03:47 -0400 2010:
Hi Michal,
I recently installed sup with gem install sup, however a lack of
imap while doing sup-config prevents me from using it to more
serious tasks than looking on different buffers. Is there any way to
fix it?
IMAP support in sup is deprecated. It just didn't work well with the
way sup wants to view the mail stores. People that have mail
available by IMAP are using offlineimap to retrieve it locally to
Maildir's and then adding Maildir sources to sup.
There is a recent thread on this list about making this handling work
better so that you can have other mail clients in use with the sources
too, but that's experimental still.
Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302
sup-talk mailing list