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Re: [sup-talk] changing "excerpts from" string?
Excerpts from David Rysdam's message of Wed Jul 14 10:24:01 -0300 2010:
> "Excerpts from <person's> message of Tue Jul 13 10:46:51 -0400"
> Is the format of that a config option that isn't documented or is it
> hardcoded?
$ grep -Rn Excerpts *
modes/edit-message-mode.rb:476: @body.join("\n") =~ /(\S+)\s*Excerpts
modes/reply-mode.rb:14:Generates an attribution ("Excerpts from Joe
Bloggs's message of Fri Jan 11 09:54:32 -0500 2008:").
modes/reply-mode.rb:187: "Excerpts from #{@m.from.name}'s message of
Looks hardcoded to me. Since I don't really understand ruby, this is a
wild guess.
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