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Re: [sup-talk] Twitter - new release

Excellent, this is potentially really useful, although I think we'll end up needing a twitter mode for sup to handle this properly. I might get round to having a crack at it myself if I get the time, but I haven't really looked into Ruby or sup internals properly.

Excerpts from Matthew Goodall's message of Thu Sep 23 18:26:36 +0100 2010:
> I have released a new version: 
> http://github.com/downloads/lionicsheriff/rfc5322/rfc5322-1.0.1.gem
> Features:
> + attached images and videos are uploaded to yfrog & url is appended to
>   tweet
> + long urls are automatically shortened
> + --pastebin option in sendtweet uploads unused parts of body to
>   pastebin. Again urls are appended
> + long tweets are sent to tweetshrink.com before rejecting them
> Documentation at: http://github.com/lionicsheriff/rfc5322

I think the name is terrible. I'm not familiar with that RFC, but I'm pretty sure it's not twitter specific, which "fetchtweet" and "sendtweet" imply. Having a .fetchtweetrc fits in a lot better alongside .fetchmailrc too. +1 if the config options are similar too.

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