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Re: [sup-talk] New website design for sup - preview

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Anirudh Sanjeev <anirudh@anirudhsanjeev.org> wrote:

I took the liberty to give the Sup frontpage a facelift. I re-used some
creative commons work without much modification to make something that
looks really good. 

I'm a huge fan of the quick instructions to get an offlineimap/msmtp stack set up. You can't properly use sup without these (or another Maildir/smtp setup) and a user installing sup for the first time might be disappointed when IMAP takes half an hour. I think it would be important to shy away from calling it 'up and running with gmail' -- it makes sup look just like 'gmail on the console' and might discourage users from trying it out -- if sup is just gmail on the console, why should I care?

- Mike
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